We interviewed Tibor Papp, CEO at DODO Apps, who decided to join our Agora platform to get his project funded – up to 5000 €! If you’re interested, check this link to discover more. Otherwise you can have a look at the following interview, to learn how Agora and Codemotion are helping Tibor with his projects!

You have an interesting project on Agora, tell Codemotion’s readers about yourself!
My name is Tibor and I work as a C# developer. In my spare time, I manage the Developer’s Dream Facebook site, my homepage and my GitHub repositories.
Are you good at what you do?
I hope so! I write computer programs since 1997.
What One Skill Makes You the Most Qualified for Your Current Position?
I am pertinacious, I think this is the most important skill I have.
What Excites You Most About Your Project(s) You Posted On Agora?
I believe in open source projects. I think they can make our world a better place.
Why Should Our Readers Vote For Your Project?
I don’t want users to vote on my project. I think they need to find which project helps them the most and give their votes on it.
What Was The Coolest Project You Contributed To?
I usually do not contribute to other projects, but I fixed some FTP related problems in two GitHub projects.
Do Your Boss And Colleagues Know You Have Side-Projects?
Yes, they know about it and my manager called them pet-projects. It seems that one of my projects will be used in my company soon.
What Do You Think Developers Need In 3 Words?
Endurance, learning, achievements.
If You Won The €5000 Top Prize On Agora, Would You Spend It On Your Project? You do not need to, we are just curious!
I don’t know. Maybe I would give all of them to my bank, to repay the loan that they gave me. But I hope someday I can own my computer science school.
If you are interested in Agora and its €5000 top prize, check this link to get more information!