Interview with ANTIMO MUSONE
Presented to the IBM CLOUD ITALIA community
On 19/03/2018
Hi Antimo. Tell us who you are and which communities you belong to.
Hi everyone. My name is Antimo, I’m a computer engineer and I’ve been working in the IT world for about 13 years. I’m an expert in enterprise solutions for Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, BOT and Blockchain technologies. I also follow and create content for various communities such as Facebook Developer Circle Rome, IBM Cloud Italy and DotNet {Podcast}.
In the last year I’ve participated as a speaker at various #AperiTech events and at two of these, both for the Facebook Developer Circle Rome I took along Blockchain as my topic.
In these talks, I wanted to create the ideal way to develop and quickly and easily create Blockchain solutions that allow you to develop business ideas. One example was to create a car register through Blockchain. Another idea could be to create a register for the animals in your neighbourhood.
Have you seen the use of Blockchain as as prospect for the future while you’ve been doing these talks?
Blockchain is certainly a very interesting tool and technology, which opens up new scenarios from the point of view of business solutions, and lets us break down many of the limitations of traditional structures. Thanks to the fact that data’s no longer centralised, but distributed and certified by a number of entities, it’ll let us build an ecosystem of solutions that will give added value, also in terms of security.