Interview with Rossella De Gaetano
About the Talk “How well is my Chatbot behaving?”
Presented to the IBM Cloud Italia community
On 25/06/2018
Hi Rossella, can you tell us who you are, what you do and which communities you belong to?
I’m Rossella De Gaetano and I work as one of the technical staff at IBM. In particular, I deal with developing and maintaining one of the IBM Cloud platform services, and I’m part of the IBM Cloud Italia Community on Facebook and the great Codemotion Community. I definitely spend the whole day with my head in the clouds 🙂
As well as belonging to the community, do you belong to the great AperiTech universe?
Yes, definitely.
Can we talk a bit about Chatbots?
Yes, I have a lot of fun with chatbots. The secret is that the technology has become quite usable and therefore doesn’t require doctorates in computer science. One of the exercises I make the kids do at any secondary school, even without any computing knowledge, is to build their first Chatbot. During the #AperiTech I talked about the typical adoption scenarios. For example, think of call centres and all those people who always have to say the same things, well look, these kinds of answers could be given by a Chatbot. Furthermore, we need to understand how to maintain and control it.
Will the Chatbot be our assistant of the future?
They are very lean systems and the technological input level to use this type of technology is quite low and determines much of the success, because if it was difficult to implement it wouldn’t have happened the same way. If you’re a good programmer, though, nothing stops you doing great things! 😉